Saturday, September 5, 2009

SRK's blog

The beginning of a new day!

When the season started, I thought I would write every couple of days to all our fans that visit our site. Firstly, thanks for doing so and a special thanks to all who believe in the Knight Riders and support us as a team. Apologies for not being a regular at my blog or actually not even writing the first entry with the start of the season. So here is the first one. I thought I would start the first write up by detailing the threshold and culture of this franchise. That would have been apt if we hadn't started playing. Right now, as I write at 5 a.m. in Cape Town, having lost yet another game, which we could have won, the heart is heavy and the mind is numb. Full marks to Rajasthan Royals for proving that a true champion team does not choke at the finish line. Congratulations guys. Since the commencement of this season, we have a trail of one win out of three, which is not a good position to be in. So at this time I will not get into why the franchise was started and what dreams we all have as far as our ambitions are concerned. All ambitions finally will get fulfilled only when the team wins and keeps true to the faith that all our fans have invested in us. Till such time, I am going to talk a bit about the game as I understand, which needless to say is quite limited. I will also talk about the role that I choose to play as part of the Knight Riders. I treat this team as I treat my own children. I am quite a doting father and perhaps a bit too emotionally involved with all the things my team goes through. I feel like crying when they lose and go wild with happiness when they win. Throughout the tournament last year, my only concern was that the team members should not in any way feel sad or bad after the losses we suffered. If I could, I would want to take all the disappointments they face with every loss or a bad performance onto myself. As much as I try, I now realise that it is not possible. This is a set of professional players and they seem to understand one rule that most of us cannot understand. And the rule is that this is a game, and one team will lose while the other will win. If either the success or the defeat of the last match lingers beyond a day, it would be impossible for them to face a new match and a new challenge the next time round, with full steam and gusto. They gather the broken pieces, try and understand what could be done better and start afresh. Like a father learns from his children, I am beginning to understand this lesson too. Earlier I used to pep talk our team before and after every match, so that their morale would remain positive. As the year has passed into another, I now realise that these boys actually walk the talk; and I need to do the same. I am learning from this whole experience that the more I practice, the easier things seem.

The harder I run, the farther I can go. The more I pray, the less I feel the burden of performance. Also I am learning that after doing all this, there is no guarantee of winning everyday. So all one can do is to give it your best shot and leave the rest.

In attempting to give it our best, our team has taken lots of unpopular decisions. Starting with, the multiple captains to choices of whom we play in which match. A truckload of criticism from all quarters has been dumped at our doorsteps. Every time I go and sit in the stadium, I feel the weight of all the choices made. If we come out winners through this tournament, will I feel vindicated? The answer is no. If we don’t perform as well as we should, would I feel we did the wrong thing? Again the answer is no.

The decisions we take in life, need not always lead to a black and white solution as in mathematics. The decisions are guidelines and beliefs we chalk down our path towards a goal. Sometimes we get to the goal inspite of the decisions and sometimes because of them. And there are times when all goes wrong. The strength lies in sticking to a path that you chose to begin with. As the journey progresses, whether that path turns out to be tough or easy, you have to follow it because therein lies your principles and beliefs.

Assessing how a ball should be played after seeing it at 1500 frames per second on your television sets is one thing…but to take that split millisecond decision, when the ball tears down at you, at 150 kilometers per hour, is another ballgame altogether. In retrospect things can be explained and faults and genius can be torn apart or praised, but in the moment that you have to live and deliver, a path has to be chosen and walked on, with complete belief that it will work out fine.

I don’t know if the path we have chosen is correct or not…and that’s why we won’t feel vindicated in victory and neither will we feel ashamed in defeat. It’s just a path we the Knight Riders have chosen to walk on and will stick to it, till the very end. I hope all those who believe in this team will walk along with us.

This is getting as long as a Test Match, and I need to end it. I can feel the first rays of the Sun beginning to break through. A new day is about to begin. The defeat still lingers thick in my mind…so I will try and sleep it off and start afresh again. I know my boys will do the same. We will face our disappointments head on with a smile and a prayer. I close my eyes with these thoughts from Theodore Roosevelt:

It is not the critic who counts;

Not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles,

Or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood;

Who strives valiantly;

Who errs, who comes short again and again,

Because there is no effort without error and shortcoming;

But who does actually strive to do deeds;

Who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions;

Who spends himself in a worthy cause;

Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,

And who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly,

So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who

neither know

Victory nor Defeat.


Discussion at IT Conclave with SRK and Karan


Q. You have been rated as the 41st most powerful man in the world. What do you feel about that?
I am a Muslim; I am also a modern Muslim. I take this iconic status very seriously. And I hope somehow through my work, the way I speak about Islam, youngsters will take a cue from what I do.They need to understand that being a Muslim is not a bad thing. I want to teach my children the right thing.

Q. Do you feel like doing something about it through your art form?
I would like to, though I still hold the belief that the entertainment I provide is basically for entertainment.Within it, if they can somehow hide a little message of the things that I believe in, then it’s good. But they should not overtake the entertainment.

Q. Do you think by denying the immense power of art, in your case films, you are doing a disservice to the society?
Since I started acting, I have never thought of this. Maybe younger people have started to think this way. I watch films to escape from the problems that I had when I was young and even now. Maybe that is why I make escapist kind of cinema. I never thought cinema would change my life.Maybe I should start thinking like that.

Q. Can cinema and art show the way from religion to spirituality?
I think spirituality is a private thing. It has to come from within. For me, acting is spiritual. It will be fantastic if we can do it through cinema. But if I do it through cinema,my spirituality may not work for you. It will stop being universal. But it is a good thought. The only thing is that the film won’t be a hit.

Q. Do you think the reaction to you would be different if you were Shekhar Krishna?
Shekhar Radha Krishna. I don’t think there would be any difference. I have never been made aware through my profession, or otherwise, about religion in this country. I think artists have this tendency to transcend divisions.

Q. How do you perceive corporates entering into films?
The corporate culture is a little too cold, strangely for films. When I meet them, they ask, what are the returns on our film? Cinema is a strange art form that is measured on the anvil of finance. Normally art is for art’s sake. But it is not good cinema for you or for me unless it is a hit.

Q. Today, young people dream of being film stars and cricket stars. How do you foresee their future?
I think every youngster should be encouraged. All art forms have reached a level where they are commercially viable. I would like my children to become actors. Not because they are my children.Just as a profession. And even more than that I want my daughter to be a sportswoman.A lot of hatred would be reduced if we were sportsmen. I think it teaches us to lose but not be losers.

Q. Have you been criticised by Muslim hardliners for being a moderate Muslim?
Not yet. I am careful about that. And I have never spoken about Islam in a derogatory or wrong manner. I do speak the word of the Quran, which is actually quite like the word of the Bible, of the Tora and of the Gita. Same novel, same topic, just different languages.They are just translations.

Q. What can you and others like you do to promote peace?
Ask what not the film industry can do for you. Ask what Pakistan and India can do for each other. Don’t put it on us.

Transcript of Q&A session with Shah Rukh Khan

: Thank you Shah Rukh 'Can Art overcome hate SR'?

SRK: I want to clarify. This is the wrong speech, this is the Dalai Lama speech on peace and religion. I don’t know if art is so powerful atool that it can overcome hatred. I don’t think hatred can be overcome so easily. It would be too utopian, to paint some pictures, sing some songs do some music and say o aaj se hum khoon karna bandh kar denge, hum bure kaam karna bandh kar denge. I don’t think it will happen But I truly believe is U are somehow U start to appreciate the finer things. When I say art I do really mean nature itself. I think none of us can duplicate that in our wildest dreams. I think that is an art form itself We need to just respect nature We need to respect life. If U respect everyone else’s life as U do your own, then art maybe able to overcome hatred. Your kind of artistic films, no.

KJ: Mine just break marriages, I don’t know about hatred. My problem is with that institution. I have no problem with hate.

KJ: We do come from cinema that is an art form, both of us Cinema definitely is an art form that is accepted globally. But definitely within the film fraternity that we paint as a big happy family, do we really mean it? Within the parameters of our industry, ou fraternity, there is a certain sense of hatred.

SRK: Are you being personal with me?

KJ: I am talking about the lack of love rather than hate?

SRK: Because our art form gets talked about so much gets splashed around so much, it sort of affects U also The good things make U feel pompous, proud like a superstar. It becomes so amazingly public that competition does tend for us to get personal at times but I don’t think it becomes hatred. We all have onething common. As frivolous, as funny, as strange and as weird and sometimes over the top, cinema might be. Actos and actresses might be we know that the bottomline is a lot of hard work, lot of passion and it is also temporary like life. We recognize that and within that littlw frame of time that we get some of us are lucky to get 20 years, some of us are not. But we want to do as much creativity of our kind as possible And that leads to edgier competitive spirit. I don’t think it leads to hatred. Hatred is too strong a word. It is what happens when lives are taken out around us.

KJ: I think because of the position U have reached there is a ripple effect of that, not hatred but envy maybe. Coming back to your superstar statusreally, Shah Rukh is the 41st most popular man in the world largely it was written because of your iconic Islamic status. What happens when U here that. What is your perception of that statement?

SRK: All of us because of our upbringing and because of what we have been taught. By parents and the books we all respect our faiths and the religions. I am a muslim, I am also a modern Muslim. This iconic status that was given to me si quite important, I take it very seriously. And I hope somehow through my work,somehow the way I speak about Islam,though the kind of things that I do, yes I am frivolous, I joke, but I am a deep thinking person. I hope the youngsters in this country do take a cue from what I do. I am pompous enough and self obsessed enough to think that I have done sort of good things to be recognized as an icon, an Islamic icon and I think people need to understand is lam from a modern point of view.

They need to understand being a muslim is not a bad thing, I am doing a film with Karan called, my name is khan, sort of deals with the subject. My name is khan and I am not a terrorist. OI think these issues, I can comment on. My knowledge of Islam may not be the best But I can comment ondeep rooted sense of good thinking and good feeling and not because of the status given by the Newsweek but I am proud that yes, I also think I am An Islamic icon and youngsters should take some sort of teaching from my work and through the things that I say. Hopefully it will give them a better understanding of their own religion, their life.

I love young people to come forward and work hard and do it with a lot of edge do it with a lot of gusto and power and because now I have children, I have started taking this role even more seriously. Because I want to teach my children the right thing. I want this country to be proud of my kids also. I have more or less done the right thing. This is ageart platform, to spread the word of righteousness, islam and being an icon, being a movie star, the right spisit, I would like to do it.

KJ: Do U feel like doing something about it through your art form? Despite your superstar status, U might have been vulnerable. Being a part of the minority religion?

SRK: I would like to though I still hold the belief that the entertainment that I provide is basically for entertainment. Within it if they can somehow hide alittle message of the things that I believe in is nice , but they should not overtake the entertainment. Lot of people disagree with me. Lot of people say, no your films should always say good messages. Messages are fpr the post office, films are for entertainment. The work that I do should make me feel happy. Genuinely my job here todsay is to talk about a serious topic. I take and understand the seriousness of it. But my job is also mainly to entertain all of U. I am an artsist. So I would like to do it through my work. But I would not like it at this stage. I am 43, I don’t think at this stage of my career, I would like my thoughts, my beliefs overtake the entertainment value of my films. I am being very honest. I have done a few films like Chak De,I believe in sports so I have done it . Maybe the choices that U make in the films that U do, I think do reflect the kind of beliefs U have. I don’t know what belief Om Shanti Om reflects.

KJ: Reincarnation!

SRK: Dard e disco. Maybe the sense of fun and enjoying life. The choices that I make in film do reflect my beliefs. The film I am making, My Name is Khan is the most important film that I have done in 20 years of my career. I don’t know the fate of that film.

KJ: Trust me, nor do I .

SRK: But we are still making it. Some of us will. And I think yes through my work, maybe later on I’ll try to do that even more. At this stage I try as much as I can, but I don’t have sleepless nights over it.

KJ: I do.

KJ: Is is frustrating then, U have achieved so much, you platforms addressed to your thoughts, you are revered globally, nationally and yet when it comes to the release of one of your films, U have to drop your title because of certain pressures. U Have to drop the word barber and just call a film Billu because certain organizations object, certain communities. Certain people who might for no rhyme or reason will suddenly come in the week of the realease and cause mayhem in your creative existence.

SRK: If I was younger yes,it would be disturbing, but now I have started to understand and I would like everyone tpo think about it when thjey go home, are we becoming so impatient? I can’t understand at all. Is the world moving so fast. That’s why we have to keep up with it. We have impatience in every thing. I think we have too much information which is wonderful through the internet, through all the channels, I think we are just getting so many things so fast, I think everybody has started believing, there is access to so much visibility via the media now that U can have your 15 minutes of fame.

And I wish 15 minutes of fame to everybody in this world , to the 6 billion odd people that live in this world. I think it si beautiful to be famous. I have been that for some years and I really enjoy. But I think U need to do it in a more deserving way. I think this level of impatience, I think it is lack of education, I don’t know enough about things. I over react and sit on a mobike and throw a kerosene bomb at my house. Because U misunderstood the song.

If we win, I'll fly: SRK

Shah Rukh Khan is indefatigable.
Shah Rukh Khan

He’s in South Africa to cheer the ‘boys’; injured shoulder notwithstanding. But he spoke to BT minutes before departure, not without his usual brand of positivity and humour. And he intends to hold the IPL trophy aloft with his Knightriders this time — but that’s something he’s not telling ‘how’!

So SRK, all set for South Africa? India will miss you!

Hey. Don’t make it sound so bad. I will miss India. Especially Kolkata. It was intended this way. But I’m so emotional about this that I intend to dash back in May, assuming we’re doing well, Inshallah, and doing something special in Kolkata with the people.

Still, a tournament that’s primarily ‘Indian-owned’, will it fly in Arica?

Look, it may be a foreign country, but the passion for cricket is common. And cricket is an international passion. The cricketers are international, too. So they’re recognisable faces. And though no one can match the craze that Indians have for the game, which is something I’ll miss and something that makes the Indian board the best in the world, it’s still cricket. Also, I think that people in South Africa love me, my films and my shows there, so I should have an advantage.

African beats seem to be pulsating through your new music video too?

Yes. We took Vishal Shekhar’s composition and infused some wildness into it. At first, I thought I wouldn’t be part of it with my injured shoulder, but I couldn’t resist. This one has some naughty, nasty, wicked lyrics and beats added. It’s ‘cool’ like the youngsters say.

How confident are you about your team this time? Last time you were disappointed...

Not disappointed, I was sad. I wished success for the boys who stuck it out with us. It wasn’t as much SRK’s team as it was their own. I was sad because my son was sad about it. We hope to raise the standard this time. Now that the venue has shifted, losing is NOT an option. But NOT learning to be losers is an option that’s always with us.

Today IPL season is considered ‘no release’ zone for movies. Do you feel a sense of guilt when movies don’t fare well or do not release at all?

You know, I’ve always been passionate about sports. I want to promote it in every which way. And I’m an entertainer. I love the big stage. I do movies, TV, stage-shows, sports – whatever it takes. Yes, IPL did affect some last year, it hit my TV show too. But we’ve tried to work around exams, holidays and made it easier. It’s just another entertainment platform and more and more like Bollywood what with Preity, Juhi, Shilpa and many more joining in.

Last year, you wrapped your legs around Shoaib Akhtar in excitement? This year?

This year, post surgery, I can’t even raise my hand to signal ‘sixes’. I can only signal ‘fours’. No leg wrapping around this time. I will refrain. But if we win, then leave alone jumping, I’ll fly.

And now that you’ve shaken hands with Aamir, will another Khan be next?

Like I’ve said before, I don’t plan so far ahead as to how my day will unfold, or who I have to shake hands with. I don’t strategize about those things. I simply strategize about how to win on the field and in the movie theatres .”

SRK interview with Ananda Bazar Patrika(transalation thanx to Smarajit aka pokeye)

The car halted at Bandra's Linking Road traffic signal for a few seconds. A little boy came running and reached the car window chanting "Shah Rukh ala re". The car windows have very dark glasses, so how did the boy recognize? Shah Rukh smiled, "He knows the car number." By then the policemen had all got off the van that has been following along. Shah Rukh ruled out the possibilty of a terrorist attack on him sitting in his silver BMW with a number plate that reads 555. But it is evident from the reaction of the personnel that King Khan's security has been beefed up.

One hand in a sling. After his shoulder surgery, this is the second time he ventured out of home. Despite the paining shoulder, the owner even shook a leg with the captain of Kinght Riders for their TV show "Knights & Angels." Later I learned, all that movement aggravated his pain in the evening. It was finals of K&A this Thursday. Six cheerleaders were selected for the Knight Riders. Sitting in his car, Shah Rukh talked on the way from Mannat to Andheri West...

Q: When does the sling come off?
Towards the end of March, I am told. It is still very uncomfortable and pains from time to time.

Q: Oh, so there is no problem in clapping and cheering on 11 April at Eden?
SRK: There is. Even if the sling goes, I'll have a frozen shoulder. Won't be able to bring my hand down for quite some time. I'll need lots of physiotherapy.

Q: Then?
SRK: What then? Baaki teams ke liye mera ek haath hi kaafi hai! (smiles) {just one hand of mine is enough for the rest of the teams}

Q: You will be there for all the games?
SRK: I will but this time at least towards the beginning I will need special arrangements. I'll have to be under restrictions for at least another three months. People try to pull my hand, they jump on me because they love me. It won't be possible for the time being. This is why I am not going to public places at all. Day after tomorrow I'll travel to Delhi to speak at an event where Mr. Musharraff is also supposed to speak. But I won't attend the dinner there either. I'll require different sitting arrangements at Eden. There will be pushing in the gallery. Maybe a separate barricaded area or in the box where there will be no crowd.

Q: What has been your most memorable "get well" message so far?
SRK: Dalmiya ji SMSed. He wrote the main criterion for our team to win is full fitness and I am messaging the main player of the team to get fit soon.

Q: How do you think is the Knight Riders team this time?
SRK: Looks good. McCullum will be available. Mendis will be available. Gayle will play at least eight games. Dada is there. Also some upcoming guys. Our camp starts at Eden on 16 March. We'll sure get at least one deserving player from there. I'll try to be present at the camp for one day. I have realized one thing. In Twenty20, the team spirit factor can change the equation. And you can't create a champion team overnight. You have to invest time.

Q: In Bollywood, if your film flops you can switch to a better strategy in addition to your acting strengths and make the next one a hit. But even if Knight Riders play bad, you cannot do anything but sit helpless in the dressing room. Last time this helplessness didn't hurt?
SRK: From twenty years experience I have learned that life can be led in two ways. One is like Mike Tyson - always believe in knock out punches. And not think of the larger picture. When I started off I was like that, but now I have realized that you have to be either Mohammad Ali or George Foreman. You have to stay in the game for all the rounds. How much you get hit is not important. What matters is if you are still standing and fighting despite being hit.

I was telling my son that day, the percentage of failure in my life is more than the percentage of success. If you count hits and flops. Still people think I am extremely successful. Why? I have survived the blows in hope that I will win in future. I want to put this into the system of the KKR guys - you may lose a game but don't be a loser. I want to spend a lot more time with the boys this time which wasn't possible last year.

There is nothing to say to Dada. There's no one like him in India who has taken so many blows, has been insulted so much, and yet kept fighting back again and again. I'll have to pass the message on to the others, don't be a loser brother, hang on so that you can give the knock out punches to the other opponents.

Q: You are saying all this alright, but last time it looked as if your world had come to a standstill.
Actually my role here is like that of a movie director. When a film flops, the director is hurt the most. Not the hero. The director feels very lonely then. Yet he has to act as if nothing has happened. I had to deal with that feeling. I have a lot of time to think these days. Was I called Raj the maximum number of times in movies? Or Rahul? Amidst all these idle thoughts I keep going back to thinking about what all mistakes we made last time.

Q: What extras will the spectators at Eden get this time? Any shows planned?
SRK: I don't think so. In the current economic scenario I am going to make losses anyway. Last time at least we managed a "break even". But I'll try to create a more enchanting, festive atmosphere. I want to put up a big bell at Eden. I've seen in Kali puja, Durga puja that there are bells being used in Bengali festivals. Without hurting the Bengali sentiment in any way I'd like to incorporate this. Last year I made a mistake. While paying homage I mentioned Tagoresaab. Later many people told me I could have just said Tagore.

Q: What do you have to say about cricket at Eden with fears of terrorism in the air?
Eden is my favorite ground. Other Indian states may get angry at me. Still I would say the two true blue sports loving states are West Bengal and Goa. For films there is Mumbai. For sports there is Kolkata. My life's long term goals are now to build a cricket stadium in Kolkata and a world class film studio in Mumbai.

Q: I meant the security. In the current scenario.
SRK: True. Actually these are affecting our world a lot for the last 5-6 years. But we are still working. Few days back some people threw some stuff outside my home. What can I do if that happens? I can't sit at home for that. My advantage is I have a choice about where I want to go. My car is bulletproof. And I have security along. Even if you don't take these into account, I have the option of telling my director this scene is too dangerous, I don't want to do it. Eighty percent of the common people do not have that option. They have to struggle daily and have to go out on the roads despite terrorism.

I want to tell the Eden spectators, this year your security will be very well organized. Kolkata's Governor is already working on it. Government and administration will not leave any stone unturned. Despite that if someone has fears, do not come to the ground. I know my partners and the Red Chillies people will be mad at me for such a comment. But I cannot persuade people to come to the stadium in a terrorized state to fill up my bank account.

Q: Having seen players from close, what do you think of them? Are they like actors?
They are similar. At this level, all kinds of performers have similar mentality.

Q: Its not just players who abuse each other, it seems your friends in the industry also do a lot of vicious talk about you?
SRK: Vicious talk means what? Recently Chidambaram's comments were fabricated in such a way that it was made to sound like he said stop IPL! He never said that. Like that a lot of people say a lot of stuff about me. One shouldn't consider all that verbatim. I used to read in the papers that Mr. Bachchan and I have so much animosity. Now that man came to see me in my home and chatted with me for four hours. You tell me what should I believe? What you people write or my personal experience?

Tonight there is the wedding of someone close. I think I am not going for the hand. But my friends will all do a round at Mannat before going for the wedding. Come at my home around 10:30 at night, you will be stunned to see my so-called enemies are all there!

Q: What are you saying, Aamir's comments were not vicious?
SRK: Listen, Aamir and I share a relation where instead of replying to him in the press I can call him home and say, you **** what the hell are you saying? Have you gone crazy?

Remember the problem with him was during the release of two films at the same time. The starting point was professional. Instead of bothering so much about Aamir versus Shah Rukh, the media should concentrate on finding out whether they got used cleverly by any of us. Whether they got fooled.

From my side I can say I've never used the media for selfish reasons, and vice versa.

Q: Coming back to Knight Riders, you went that high for Mortaza?
SRK: We had zeroed in on buying one of these two cricketers. Shane Harwood or Mortaza. When Jaipur bought Shane we were left with no other option but to go all out on Mortaza.

Q: Did you anticipate Mohali would raise the bid so high?
I had written to my team before the auction that we will end up fighting with Mohali.

Q: And then?
Then we have to defeat them. Whatever it takes. You were saying something earlier on this, I tend to reserve the knock out punches for the end.

Keep the Faith- SRK

Keep the Faith

You must have heard a thousand times that the way to victory does not lie in how hard you can hit; but how hard you can take the hit. And I am not telling you anything new. Every teacher says that to his student, every coach says that to his team and I am sure John has said this to you guys enough times already, just as a father says that to his son.

When they all say this, in their hearts they also wish and hope that their team does not get hit; it doesn’t have to learn to win that way. A father feels, let my son win without ever getting hit; but you still say this to them because you know this world is a hard place. Games are a hard battlefield…your opponent wants to win as much as you do…so there is always going to be a chance that you will get hit. The best of us get hit…Mohammad Ali got hit…Carl Lewis got hit…John Buchanan must have been hit…Sourav Ganguly here has been hit several times.

So lets start from the fact that yes we have been hit already. So this is a good thing. A very good thing! We have been hit and hit hard, so the difficult part is over now. We all should accept that, we do lie at this point very nearly on the floor. So now comes the part, which is more important. The part that we need to show everyone around us, that we can take a hit; we can fall down; but we also know how to scrape ourselves from the floor and continue to fight. We still can take a few hits more and still fight back. Lots of people are saying lots of things about us, but none of them are right. The only right thing is that the owners have faith in this team, the coach has faith in this team; as a matter of fact the team has faith in this team. So there is no problem here at all. Just go out and play to have a great time…enjoy yourselves because pressure only builds more pressure. There is no need to prove anything amongst us. We all trust we are a great bunch of people and cricketers.

One lakh people out there have only one prayer in their hearts, god give our kids strength and a bit of luck to beat the shit out of their opponents. God will listen and deliver today, but just to make sure run faster, hit harder and go out destroy the opponent.

Lets play this like our first game ever as if we have to prove it to the world that we are good and can hit, then lets play this game like the last game of our lives, because we need to prove it to ourselves…that we can take being hit and get up from the floor.

I say a prayer my father taught me; whatever your faith, lets get together and say it… “Nasrun minal lahe wah fatahun kareeb” …

HT Power Couple

Mumbai: Shah Rukh Khan, who flew back from South Africa to Mumbai to cast his vote today, shares his personal vision for India

Shah Rukh Khan flew back to Mumbai to vote

Need for direction
"We need to channelise the youth energy in the right way. We also need to be secure with our language and religion. If my religion is good, that doesn't mean I will make fun of a different religion."

Be the best to deserve the best
To change things around us, we need to change ourselves first. We have to see if we can be the best law abiding citizens of the country. And also take action and exercise your choice. Only then we can have the right to criticise or support someone who is aiming to lead the country.

One at a time please
We have to support the voting system, and give one best party a chance. Let itrule for five years and be accountable to us. Coalitions and alliances don't work. If they are insecure, it doesn't work.

A young India
I believe in the youth. I am a very positive thinker and I believe in the power and sensitivity of young people. I think the youth is going to be very sensitive to the changing scenario around the globe and will put their best foot forward in making the whole planet a better place.

Heart and soul
I am glad that our country is not yet mechanised and plastic like a lot of other countries around the world. We need to be proud of our country, in spite of the bad roads, potholes etc. Lets be proud of what we have, as there is a lot to be proud of.

Get the ideology right
The whole ideology of governance should be economic development and achievement of security and education. There is no other ideology or agenda - there's no relevance of Islam, Hinduism or Christianity here.

I just bring in the eyeballs

Straight-talking SRK on the state of play: his contribution to the IPL, his refusal to campaign for politician buddies and his equation with Aamir


So his Knights bowed out all too early in this installment of the Indian Premier League, but Shah Rukh Khan has already moved on. The man's funda in life is simple: he's here to entertain, and that's what he's doing post-Billu, post IPL, post all.
King Khan takes you through the reasons why he's still sticking with the producers, with small films and why he's taking advice from Aamir Khan. Read on…

What's your take on the producer-distributor forum and multiplex issue?
Both sides need to understand that neither can move without the other. I think there need to be dialogue between the people who know the details. I am just a spokesperson. I am told what to say and I said it. But having said that, I truly believe that they will not budge till the World T20 is over. Post that we need to have balls to hold the strike for another 60 days. The big film producers have it and I think it will finally help the small film guys as well. Next thing is releasing films in single screens.

In the producers meeting, Aamir took centrestage while you took a back seat. Why?
I think Aamir arranged for everything. He is very actively involved in this. Even now, he texts me everyday to point out some things and then I SMS back with what I feel should be added or taken out and so on. I was supposed to hold fort till I left for the IPL; I did that. There were a few things I was meant to do which I finished and reported back.

So when you and Aamir met for this, didn't you guys talk about whatever you've said about each other in print?
I think it would have been childish, no? He asked me, 'Shah Rukh, should we talk about whatever happened?' I said no, because to be very honest it would have been very juvenile. Whatever I said, I said it with a sense of humour and I would find it very difficult to explain my sense of humour to anyone. If he has taken it seriously then I am immensely sad about it and I would never joke about him. I will find something else to joke about now. I think I will joke only about myself now.

What do you think went wrong with Billu?
I think it did okay finally. As a producer it did work and I have spoken to some of the distributors and whenever I see my film has fallen short, I return the money. So we worked that out so it does well for everyone. It was probably made at a couple of crores more than it should have but that's me but I think this was the level of the film.

You did a small film and it didn't work. Will that stop you from doing a similar film again?
Billu started as a small film but look where it got to eventually. Right now, I know what I am doing I am doing a Khan, Raavan, Happy New Year and Don 2, so where is the time to do a small film in between all this? But as a producer, I will make films which will be relatively small with directors like Roshan Abbas and there a couple more of these small films which will be coming out of my banner.

A lot of actors campaigned for different political parties. Were you approached too?
Yes, I have been approached but I will never do it. See I have friends in politics and they asked me but I think it would be wrong of me to speak for someone just because that person is a friend. Can I promote you because I like you? I don't know how well you do what you do.
There are two issues: I have one with campaigning. I don't know what I am promoting — like soap, or a drink or whatever I can sell. But my lack of knowledge about politics is enough of a reason for me to stay away. As it is, I have my share of controversies without being a part of politics (laughs). Also I have friends from all kinds of parties — I love Sonia Gandhi and I love Atal Bihari Bajpyee too I have met them and they have been very nice to me. Similarly someone like Mr Modi... I see him and find him very organised but regardless of all this, do I know how it all works? No. And only on a friendly level to campaign for someone, I think it is too responsible a position to be in — I am not deriding Sanju or Salman, God bless them and they must know all this. Thirdly, my going somewhere is only going to bring in the entertainment value, I don't play the cricketer in IPL — I bring in the eyeballs just because I am a movie star. Going and asking for votes is not going to ensure that that candidate is going to win, if that was the case then my team would've won every match.